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16th July 2024

Ten Foods Dogs Shouldn’t Eat, All of Which Are Harmful to Dogs

Did you know that most of the food we eat is not good for your favorite puppy?It’s when you look into their adorable puppy eyes as if to say, “Please give me a treat.”This will make it hard to say no, but watch out!Some of the foods we like to eat may not be good for them, and you must know which ones are bad for your dog to protect your dog’s health.

10. Avocados


There’s no doubt that this fruit is nutritious, but I’m pretty sure you don’t want your dog to be poisoned.Avocados have a unique chemical that is toxic to dogs and most animals, and just biting into the fruit can cause stomach pain and upset stomach, including diarrhea and vomiting.

9. Raisins and grapes


You don’t want your dog to undergo dialysis do you?To prevent your pet from experiencing such pain, never let them eat raisins and grapes; poisoning from these foods can lead to acute kidney failure.

8. Tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages


Tea, coffee, like chocolate, contains caffeine, a bitter substance that has a direct effect on your pet’s central nervous system, not to mention its heart.Palpitations and vomiting are the most common manifestations of poisoning, and in most severe cases it can also lead to death.

7. macadamia nuts


There have been several cases of nut poisoning reported in dogs, macadamia nuts contain a toxin that inhibits motor function in dogs, this can lead to symptoms such as depression, vomiting, weakness, joint or muscle pain, gait and swollen joints.

6. Milk and dairy products


Did you know that lactose intolerance is also common in dogs?As a result, if you let your dog drink milk or eat ice cream, diarrhea and excess gas can occur.However, some dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, may be a moderate benefit for your dog.

5. Onion and Garlic


Although known in the herbal world for their amazing health benefits, onions and garlic contain sulfur and disulfides that destroy red blood cells and cause anemia.Poisoning from substances found in these foods can be tricky, as symptoms don’t show up until three to four days after ingestion.

4. Raw fish and meat


Raw meat and raw fish are favorite breeding grounds for the bacteria that cause food poisoning, in addition to the bacteria, a wide variety of fish are perfect places to harbor parasites, salmon is one of them, raw salmon contains parasites that can cause poisoning in dogs, don’t delay treatment when you know your dog has eaten it.After two weeks of infection, the disease can be fatal.

3. Alcohol


Alcohol is bad for your pooch and no devoted dog lover will allow his pet to get drunk.Just as it affects humans, a drunk dog can vomit, have diarrhea, have central nervous system depression, and worse, coma or even death.

2. Xylitol


Chewing gum and candies contain xylitol, a sugar-free sweetener, and as attractive as they are, even a small intake for a dog can have a detrimental effect on your dog’s health.



Chocolate contains theobromine, a stimulant from the cacao plant that is beneficial to humans but deadly to dogs.The amount of theobromine is directly proportional to the intensity of the color of the chocolate, which means that dark chocolate contains high levels of the stimulant, and its toxicity depends on the size of the dog and the cocoa content of the chocolate.

16th July 2024

The world’s top ten most beautiful dogs Erha actually ranked first

Dogs are man’s best friend.They are the most loved pets and every family in the world has this loyal family member.Dogs are loyal, obedient and can be great companions.They become part of the family within minutes and promptly prove that they care about the family they live in.

10. Afghan Hound


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The Afghan Hound is one of the most unique dog breeds.It is also known as the Tazi and is considered to be one of the oldest dog breeds.It is native to the cold mountainous regions of Afghanistan.The most obvious feature of this dog breed is its fur.The fur is long and looks soft.The dog’s tail is curled at the end.The fur varies in color.The dog is very tall. It is an independent, loyal, and loving breed, but they are not very outgoing, especially in smaller breeds.One thing is for sure, the Afghan Hound is one of the most beautiful dog breeds in the world.

9.Miniature Schnauzer


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The Miniature Schnauzer is one of the most beautiful dog breeds with a unique coat and beard.The dog has two layers of fur, a harder outer layer and a softer inner layer.The coat colors are black, white, salt and pepper, and silver.The Miniature Schnauzer is a German breed.It has long hairy limbs, whiskers and thick eyebrows.Very intelligent, affectionate, alert, playful and loyal.They are very popular in Europe and America because they are very devoted to their families.



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The Akita comes from Japan and is one of the cutest dog breeds.They can be of two types, the Japanese Akita and the American Akita.The Japanese Akita comes in five colors including fawn, sesame, brindle, red and pure white while the American Akita comes in a variety of colors.The Akita loves to be with his family and is very protective of them.He enjoys participating in activities and is very generous with children.

7. St. Bernard


The St. Bernard or “Gentle Giant” is a very beautiful breed of dog.It is robust, intelligent and can predict avalanches.These traits make it an excellent dog for walking in deep snow.The St. Bernard is gentle and gets along well with his family.It’s also good with children.He is also loyal but, can be stubborn at times.

6. Beagle


Beagles are not only beautiful, but very popular, especially in the United States.The Beagle is a medium sized dog.It is very similar to a miniature foxhound.It has a short square muzzle and a broad head.It has long, low ears and large eyes.It comes in many different colors including white, red, lemon and tricolor featuring shades of brown on the black and white parts.It is very well socialized and therefore good as a pet dog, it blends well with family members especially children.It is well suited for family members, especially children.Moreover, it is very alert, gentle and intelligent.It loves to stay outdoors and play games with the kids.One thing to remember is to keep other pets away from the Beagle as he is a good hunter.

5. Poodle


Cute, beautifully different and from Germany.It comes in three different variants including Standard Poodle, Toy Poodle and Miniature Poodle.It has earned a reputation as a celebrity dog.It has an elite personality and looks very beautiful.It has a very dense and shaggy coat that needs regular grooming and brushing.Very active and intelligent.It is very energetic.It likes to socialize.It loves the outdoors and exercise.It likes diving, tracking, flyball and other sports.

4.Golden Retriever


The Golden Retriever is one of the most beautiful and popular dog breeds.The Golden Retriever has a beautiful golden coat.The upper coat is rich, soft, wavy, lightweight and water resistant.This coat comes in different shades of gold.The Golden Retriever is very friendly, intelligent and loyal.He loves to be with his family and is good with children.It is a very kind dog.It is not aggressive or hostile and is very friendly.This dog would work well as a guide dog, search or rescue as it is very active.

3.Shih Tzu


This beautiful dog breed belongs to China.It is very beautiful and is also known as a toy breed.It has very silky long fur.Its soft double coat comes in various colors.The dog is very small in size.It has large, dark eyes and a short mouth.This puppy is very loyal, alert and very outgoing.It can become very nasty and stubborn if provoked.It is not a good idea to leave them in a home with small children.Legend has it that the shih tzu is called a “poodle” because it looks like a guardian lion.



The Maltese is one of the most beautiful dog breeds in the world.It is a famous companion dog.It is very cute.The size is very small.It has a downy coat.This dog’s fur never sheds.Because there is no undercoat.Their fur is silky and long.The fur is white in color.Although the Maltese is small and looks very cute, that doesn’t mean it’s not good enough.It is very fierce and brave.It is also very loyal.It can attack a dog ten times its size.It does not get along well with children Good for families with older children or teenagers.

1.Siberian sled dog


The most beautiful dog breed is the Siberian Sled.It is native to Siberia and is very beautiful.The most interesting thing about the Siberian Sled Dog is that along with the Samoyed and the Alaskan Sled Dog.It is a descendant of the oldest breed of sled dog.Looking like a wild dog or a wolf, it is a beautiful, attractive and strong wolf.It not only looks like a wolf but has a wolf like temperament and behavior.The most interesting feature about this dog is that it never barks, but it howls.This is very obedient dog breed.It is also very loyal, energetic, friendly and fun.

12th July 2024

Dogs also have IQ rankings. Border Collie beats Poodle to win

We often hear that Labradors are smart, Huskies are cute, and German Shepherds are agile. But there are so many dog ​​breeds in the world, which breeds are the smartest and can communicate better with humans?

A Canadian dog lover once developed a dog IQ ranking list, ranking hundreds of dog breeds. Although this ranking list has caused controversy, it has gained more and more recognition over time and has even become one of the reference indicators for purchasing pet dogs.

The IQ of a dog is equivalent to that of a human child, but different breeds of dogs have different IQs. Some dogs are smart and can not only better understand the instructions and intentions of their owners, but can also use their strengths to help humans and even take on work positions.

Stanley Coren, a psychology professor at the University of British Columbia, once combined the opinions of hundreds of dog breeders, veterinarians, police dog researchers, and guard dog experts to investigate the three aspects of instinctive intelligence, adaptive intelligence, and working and obedience intelligence, and ranked the IQ of 138 common dog breeds in the world (The Intelligence of Dogs).

In the end, the Border Collie was voted the smartest dog in the world, followed by the Poodle and German Shepherd. The Golden Retriever ranked fourth, while the Canadian Labrador, the favorite, ranked seventh.

The smartest border collie

Border Collie originated in Scotland and is a common sheepdog breed there. According to experts, the IQ of Border Collie is about the same as that of a six or seven-year-old human child. It is the smartest dog breed in the world. It often achieves good results in dog competitions and can even understand thousands of human words. Someone joked: “If you are not smart enough, don’t keep a Border Collie, otherwise you will be outsmarted by its IQ and doubt your life.”

Border Collies are mostly black and white in fur, tall and mighty, and full of energy. They can perform various difficult movements during herding and control the flock with their eyes. Border Collies are one of the most popular pet dog breeds in modern society, but they need more physical exercise and stimulating challenges during breeding to keep the dogs sensitive, and are suitable for energetic owners.

The Poodle: “Beauty and Wisdom”

The Poodle, which originated in France, is cute and elegant, and is the favorite of many women. Most people are attracted by its appearance, but they don’t know that you can’t judge a dog by its appearance. The Poodle actually has a very high IQ, ranking second among hundreds of dog species. It is the most intelligent small dog and can be called the representative of beauty and wisdom.

In 18th century England, the intelligent and small poodle was a good hunting companion for the nobility, especially good at finding wild ducks. It could also help its owner find precious truffles in the dense forest without destroying them. Circuses also often chose poodles as guest performers to bring joy to people.

German Shepherd Dogs

The German Shepherd, also known as the Blackback or German Wolfhound, is agile, intelligent, and adaptable to a variety of working environments. During World War I, the German army trained German Shepherds for military use, and they later became the most common breed of police dogs, kept by police stations, customs, and rescue organizations around the world.

Although the German Shepherd looks similar to a wolf, it is a smart modern dog breed and ranks third in the dog IQ rankings. Because the German Shepherd is very smart and can understand human intentions very well and make corresponding actions and reactions, it has played the leading role in many movies and TV series and is a “movie star” among dogs.

Smart Retriever

Retriever is a kind of hound. This kind of dog can find and bring back prey for its owner during hunting. Its mouth is relatively soft and it will not bite the prey, hence the name “retriever”. Common ones include Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever. These two breeds of dogs can communicate with their owners and are good companions for humans.

The Golden Retriever originated in Scotland. It is lively, cute, gentle and patient. It is one of the most popular family companion dogs. But in fact, the Golden Retriever was originally bred for hunting. It is good at long-distance swimming and is very fast. It can complete the tasks assigned by its owner very well. Due to its gentle temperament, the Golden Retriever is usually not used as a police dog, but for guide dogs, search and rescue and other tasks.

12th July 2024

How to Teach Your Dog to Shake Paws: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: Why Teach Your Dog to Shake?

Teaching your dog to shake paws is not only a fun trick but also a useful command that can strengthen the bond between you and your pet. It’s a simple yet impressive gesture that can make your dog more sociable and obedient. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to teach a dog to shake.

Step 1: Prepare Treats and Create a Positive Environment

Before you begin, gather some of your dog’s favorite treats. Positive reinforcement is key in training dogs, and treats will serve as a reward for good behavior. Ensure you are in a quiet environment with minimal distractions; this will help your dog focus solely on you and the training.

Step 2: Get Your Dog’s Attention

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Start by getting your dog to sit. Once your dog is in a seated position, hold a treat in your hand and let your dog sniff it. Make sure your dog is paying attention to your hand, as this will be crucial for the next steps.

Step 3: Command and Gesture

With the treat in your hand, extend your hand and say the command “shake” clearly and confidently. Gently lift your dog’s paw with your other hand while still holding the treat in front of them. This action helps your dog associate the gesture with the command.

Step 4: Reward and Repeat

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As soon as your dog’s paw is in your hand, reward them with the treat and offer praise. Repeat this process several times during each training session, gradually reducing the assistance you provide in lifting their paw. Consistency is important, so practice this daily until your dog can shake paws on command without any help.

How to teach dogs handshake training

Conclusion: Practice Makes Perfect

Teaching your dog to shake is a rewarding experience that requires patience and consistency. By following these steps and maintaining a positive training environment, your dog will soon master this charming trick. Remember, every dog learns at its own pace, so be patient and enjoy the process!

10th July 2024

How to train a Teddy dog ​​to correct its bad habit of biting its owner’s hands and feet

Teddy dog, 4 and a half months old, loves to bite everything. If you touch it, it will bite your hand, clothes and the like. It wants to bite anything in your hand, and sometimes even jumps up to bite. Although it does not bite hard, you think it is playing with you, but Teddy dogs do not know the severity of the bite. What if it is scratched by its teeth or scares other people’s children? I often slap Jinan Teddy dog’s mouth, but it still does not know what is wrong. I don’t know how to teach it. Please help~

This stage is normal. One thing to do is to give it something to chew, such as toys or chew gum. Also, be sure to scold it, because biting people is not good, including yourself.

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At this stage, the Teddy dog ​​is changing its teeth. Teddy dogs are relatively obedient. But they still need to be educated. It will be better if you are ruthless and teach them a lesson. Usually, prepare some teething sticks and other things. This may be better!

Buy him a chew stick. Our neighbor’s Teddy dog ​​is the same. When he goes out, he will bite anything on the ground. You can’t scold him because his teeth are itchy. Or give him a pair of slippers that he can’t wear. If he bites people, you must scold him!

Read moreDogs can know who hates them!

It’s like this for puppies, they will be fine after they change their teeth at about one year old. When my purebred Teddy dog ​​was young, if you didn’t watch him for a while, he would take the potatoes and tomatoes from the kitchen to the bed and chew them into pieces, or bring the quilt on the bed to the living room to chew, or lift up most of the cotton blanket on the bed and bite out some cotton, leaving it all over the floor. Anyway, he did all kinds of bad things. After more than ten months, he suddenly became sensible, which moved us to tears. Be more patient, he will be fine.

Our puppy was like this when he was young. It’s time for him to grow teeth. He’s grinding his gums. This is normal. Don’t hit him. When his teeth grow out, he won’t bite anymore.

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1. Puppies are full of energy. If they don’t get enough exercise, they will use it to consume their excessive energy. 2. During the period of teeth replacement, puppies will grind their teeth on furniture because of the itchy pain. 3. The owner is away from home for a long time. The puppy feels anxious and lonely after being separated from the owner, so he has to vent his anger on the furniture.

You have completely misunderstood your Teddy dog. Teddy dogs bark to express bad and good meanings. When you come home from outside, Teddy dogs are usually very happy and will greet you. It is normal to bark a few times. This means that they are happy. Don’t misunderstand that Teddy dogs have not seen their owners for a long time and will use barking to greet them from a distance. Teddy dogs are very human. Teddy dogs bark at night because they are alert and a little scared! Your Teddy dog ​​may still be very small and lively. In the growth stage, he will like to bite things and grab things. Buy him some toys.

10th July 2024

How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

Whether your pet’s ears are pointed, droopy, long, or short, a dog’s ears are the most sensitive part of its body. If you neglect to clean your ears and let them get infected, it can cause serious problems and even permanent hearing loss. When your dog’s ears smell bad, it means that the dog accidentally scratched his ears when it was itchy, or shook his head too hard. If you want to touch his ears or head, he looks a little painful, that’s a danger sign, and you should take him to the veterinarian for a checkup. Dogs have no interest in keeping their ears clean.

You must have something to hold its attention and give your full attention to your dog, and your hands must be clean or use clean gloves to clean its ears (you don’t want to expose it to further infection after you’ve worked so hard to clean its ears with unclean hands).

If your dog keeps moving around during the cleaning process, find one or two good friends who can help you stabilize it, and you can also confine it to a smaller space, such as a bathroom, so that no matter how hard it struggles, it cannot escape from the owner’s five fingers. When cleaning your dog’s ears, remember to be gentle from the outside to the inside, and slowly clean inwards. At the same time, let the dog slowly adapt to this wonderful cleaning feeling, and also prevent the internal structure of the dog’s ears from being accidentally injured.

First, gently wet the cotton swab (do not wet it so much that it drips in its ears), and slowly and smoothly clean along the surface of the dog’s ears. (Please do not try to clean the invisible areas that are visible to the owner to avoid making a big mistake.) If the dog struggles or feels uncomfortable during the process, you must immediately stop cleaning and comfort the dog to avoid damaging its hearing due to its struggle. If the cotton swab is very dirty, please do not be surprised, but be worried, and take it to the veterinarian for a check-up! !

Finally, don’t forget to praise your pet for being well behaved and give it a big reward after cleaning it. This will surely make it more cooperative in the future.

8th July 2024

How to Tell if Your Dog is in Pain: Key Signs and Symptoms

Recognizing Changes in Behavior

One of the most common indicators that your dog may be in pain is a noticeable change in behavior. Dogs in pain often become more withdrawn or exhibit signs of aggression. They may also become less active or show reluctance to engage in activities they previously enjoyed. Observing your dog’s daily habits and noting any deviations can provide early clues.

Physical Symptoms to Watch For

Physical symptoms can also be key in understanding if your dog is in pain. Look for limping, difficulty in movement, or changes in posture. Swelling, licking or biting a specific area, and changes in breathing patterns are also important signs. Regularly inspecting your dog’s body can help you catch these physical symptoms early.

Changes in Eating and Sleeping Patterns

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Changes in eating and sleeping patterns can also indicate pain. A sudden loss of appetite or increased thirst may be a response to discomfort. Similarly, if your dog is sleeping more than usual or experiencing difficulty sleeping, it could be a sign of pain. Keep track of your pet’s eating and sleeping habits to identify any inconsistencies.

Vocalizations and Expressions

Vocalizations such as whining, whimpering, or unusual barking can be a dog’s way of expressing pain. Additionally, facial expressions like squinting, furrowed brows, or glazed eyes may indicate discomfort. Paying attention to these cues can help you determine if your dog is in pain and needs veterinary attention.

8th July 2024

How to teach your dog to swim

“How to make dogs swim more skillfully and safely?”. Because dogs are born with the ability to swim, but they will become more skilled after training.

1. Use a dog leash when you take your dog for swimming training for the first time. If it is the first time to take your dog for swimming, a dog swimming pool is of course the best, and a stream or river is also good. It should be noted that the selected practice place must be clean and there should be no debris on the bottom, otherwise it will be unsafe for both people and dogs. At the same time, before letting the dog into the water, be sure to tie the dog leash for the dog, so as to ensure safety and facilitate the dog’s parents to control it at any time in the water. When the dog encounters problems in the water, such as sinking, the rope chain can be used to rescue the dog from danger in time.

How to teach your dog to swim

2. Practice in shallow water

When swimming for the first time, be sure to find a shallow place, which is convenient for teaching and safer. Let the dog get used to activities in the water first, and you can gently splash water on the dog, but never splash water on its face, so that the dog does not feel uncomfortable. In the water, the owner can hold a toy and induce the dog to swim forward step by step, so that it can slowly adapt. Most playful dogs will happily swim around with their toys. When the dog is used to swimming in the water, you can take it to deep water.

3. Correct the dog’s front foot swinging

If the dog’s head is stretched too high, the tail is immersed in the water, and the front feet swing violently, it looks very strenuous, then its swimming action may be wrong, which will only be strenuous and cannot help it move forward. At this time, the owner needs to give the dog some help, that is, lift the dog’s front feet and teach it to swing regularly. When it is used to the correct action, it can freely play with you in the water.

4. Key points of swimming training and care:

Whether the dog swims in sea water or fresh water, it must take a shower after swimming: because sea water contains salt, swimming pools contain chlorine, and small rivers and streams may have bacteria, so no matter where the dog swims, it must be cleaned as soon as possible after swimming. In addition, when the dog is unwell, looks listless, or is already very tired, it is best not to let it swim. When the weather conditions are bad, do not take your dog outdoors to swim to avoid catching a cold and getting sick.

7th July 2024

How to Treat a Torn Toenail on a Dog: A Friendly Guide

How to Treat a Torn Toenail on a Dog: A Friendly Guide

Understanding the Issue

Seeing your dog in discomfort due to a torn toenail can be distressing. Torn toenails are a common injury in dogs and can occur due to various reasons such as rough play, running on hard surfaces, or getting caught in something. It’s essential to know how to treat this issue promptly to avoid complications.

Immediate First Aid

First and foremost, if you notice your dog has a torn toenail, it’s crucial to keep calm. Gently restrain your dog to prevent further injury. Clean the affected area with warm water to remove any dirt or debris. Applying a mild antiseptic can help prevent infection. If the toenail is bleeding, use a styptic powder or cornstarch to stop the bleeding.

When to Seek Veterinary Help

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While minor tears can often be managed at home, severe cases may require professional attention. If the toenail is broken deep within the quick (the sensitive part of the nail), or if there’s excessive bleeding and swelling, it’s best to consult your veterinarian. They may need to trim the nail further or provide antibiotics to prevent infection.

Aftercare and Prevention

Post-treatment care is crucial for a swift recovery. Keep your dog’s paw clean and dry, and avoid vigorous activities until the nail has healed. Regularly checking and trimming your dog’s nails can help prevent future incidents. Ensuring a comfortable and safe environment for your dog to play in can also reduce the risk of torn toenails.

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By following these steps, you’ll help ensure your furry friend recovers quickly and comfortably from a torn toenail.

7th July 2024

Professional dog training: biting

The biting behavior is mainly the most direct and effective measure to prevent and directly stop criminal behavior and external attacks. This training is somewhat dangerous. If you have friends who want to train their own dogs, it is recommended to use dog training gear!

1. Cultivation of ferocity

Choose an experienced assistant trainer, hide after appropriate disguise, and the dog owner will tie the dog to a place at a certain distance from the assistant trainer’s hiding place, and the dog owner will stand beside the dog. The assistant trainer holds a stick in his right hand and wears a sleeve on his left hand. He appears from the hiding place and makes various violent movements from far to near, hitting the ground with a whip or stick, attacking and retreating from time to time, and doing everything possible to tease the dog and make it bark. The dog owner encourages the dog to pounce on the assistant trainer and rewards it with the command “good”.

After the ferocity of the dog is aroused, the assistant trainer can walk to the dog, and when the dog opens its mouth, he will hand over the sleeve for the dog to pounce and bite. When the dog bites and refuses to let go, the assistant trainer can take off the sleeves and continue to tease the dog with a stick to make the dog hostile to the assistant trainer; at this time, the assistant trainer should retreat to a hidden place while teasing the dog. After several times of this training, when the dog can successfully complete the training subjects, you can proceed to the next step and training.

2. Training a single dog to bite

Select a training venue in advance, and the assistant trainer hides in the training venue. After the dog owner leads the dog to the training venue, let the dog sit upright facing the hidden place of the assistant trainer. The dog owner takes a half-squat position and gives the dog the command “Attention”, and the assistant trainer makes a sound to alert the dog. After a short pause, the assistant trainer emerges from a hidden place holding a stick or a tree branch, constantly hitting the ground and making sneaky movements. When the dog’s ferocity reaches the level of being able to bite the assistant trainer, the dog owner should issue the command “attack” to let the dog bite; at this time, the assistant trainer should act in fear and retreat, and finally flee in defeat. The dog owner continues to issue the commands “attack” and “good” to encourage the dog, and then ends the training.

3. Training the dog to “release”

After repeated training with the above method, when the dog dares to attack and bite the assistant trainer, and keeps biting, the dog should be trained to “release”. The basic method is: when the dog owner orders the dog to bite the assistant trainer’s sleeve, the assistant trainer resists for a while, then lowers his arm, lets the sleeve close to the ground, and stays still. At this time, the dog owner gives the command “release” and pulls the leash back slightly. Some dogs will let go as soon as they hear the owner’s “release” command, but some dogs will not let go in this case. The trainer should repeat the command and pull the leash backwards, cut the dog’s nose bridge or pinch the dog’s thigh with the left hand to force the dog to let go. When the dog develops a preliminary conditioned reflex, gradually increase the training distance to reach the level of commanding the dog to “release” from a longer distance. Repeat this training many times, and your dog will become very aggressive. As long as you give the order, your dog will pounce on any suspicious person!